I went out to dinner the other night with a family friend, and he spent the entire dinner talking about some right wing conspiracies. I feel like my brain is rotting oml. Does anyone else have to sit through conversations like this?
Father who in turn brainwashes mother. Sister’s the only one in my family I can count on not to have shitty politics as she’s a baby commie, but I’m probably 20x more invested in political education than she is. My brain short circuits any time my dad says anything political, and my heart breaks when my mother does as I know it comes straight from my dad. She’s far, far smarter than he is, but she’s also trapped in a Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump superfan’s echo chamber.
I won’t have right-wing friends. Best I can do is well-intentioned but uneducated liberal/social democrat at this point in my life. Just don’t need that kinda toxicity tbh
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Are you Romanian?
I have a friend who was mostly normal until a few years ago when he took a hard right turn. His girlfriend’s family is very wealthy (they own a mansion) and he moved into it during the pandemic so I think he basically spent the last few years having rich chuds pushing him in that direction. He also listens to joe rogan 🤮.
We have a group chat where he and a few other people (I wouldn’t call them friends but I know them) talk about ukraine and it’s as insufferable as you can probably imagine. The rest of my friends are mostly “apolitical.”
As for my family members, most are somewhat well-intentioned liberals. Two others are conservative (both former military members, naturally) and one of my cousins refuses to get the covid vaccine because she thinks it’s some kind of mind control serum or something. So, the usual.
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One of my good friends back in The Netherlands became a politician for a right wing liberal party (VVD, current ruling party). He’s active in our hometown for said party. On the national level it’s a party full of neoliberal ghouls who go from one scandal to another. He still thinks they are too left leaning, and he wants them to be even more right wing.
Had a discussion on immigrants a while back. He had no problems with Ukrainians of course, Africans where his main problem.
My mom used to be a centrist and my dad mainly voted right wing populist, but through leading by example and discussion with them, they now vote left.
I come from a wealthy family that had thousands of hectares of land, all of them support PAN ( extremely conservative party in mexico, its about 1 more lost election to become far right lol ). Funnily enough my grandpa and uncles/dad were so incompetent that they lost mostly all of the land, yet they blame the communist government from stealing their land ( no joke ).
My father. He watches TV all the time and is a nato supporter. Our country isn’t even in nato. Also, he owns land. And he votes for a party everyone knows is nazis. When I heard him say the nato shit, I cut ties with him. I also realized he never trusted or respected me (or anyone else except his TV).
Most of them unfortunately. They are of course very religious muslims and that ties into a majority of the weird/bigoted shit they believe in. They constantly mention very weird conspiracy theories (i can mention a few if someone wants to hear lol). I was just subjected to a round of weird historical conspiracies by my dad a few days ago which I’ve heard multiple times already.
i can mention a few if someone wants to hear lol
I’d like to hear them, this is coming from a muslim himself lol
i can mention a few if someone wants to hear
I would like some, please
i totally forgot about this thread lol. it’s honestly mostly revolving around “the jews” and “masonic” bullshit. if you actually wanna hear it in detail i can mention them. it’s just embarassing because it’s my family members saying this shit.
No problem, comrade
Not by American standards. I guess genuinely supporting democrats or republicans could count. By US standards, I guess my grandma mostly supports republicans, but is anti-Trump, and my great uncle(?) thinks people who have terrible student loans deserve it. Edit: I just remembered my grandma has been to Israel and doesn’t oppose their government.
Yes. All of them.
But I don’t speak with them willingly. There is only moral outrage, pearl clutching, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ya know, the basic white supremacist talking points. We come from a long history of anticommunism.
We were there fighting for the US during the Russian Civil War. We were there aiding the KMT during the Chinese Civil War. We were there in Reagan’s army. It is a baffling, shocking development that now I have so much respect for those who have humiliated my family for over a century.
My mother has been having an existential crisis for the better part of 20 years, and in trying to solve that she’s gone deep into the world of alternative medicine and “woo” shit. If you’re not familiar with that kind of stuff, it’s a far-right pipeline grift. She’s just turned off her brain and dives ever deeper. She thinks she’s apolitical and doesn’t pay much attention to current events because “it’s all so negative.” What hurts me the most about this is I feel like I got my empathy and humanist values from her, and now she thinks that medical doctors aren’t to be trusted, essential oils can cure everything, and Jordan Peterson has a lot of good points.
My paternal grandmother has also basically turned into a Ukrainian nationalist since the beginning of the SMO, but I can’t really hold it against her. The family mythology is that all four of my paternal great grandparents fled Ukraine due to Stalin’s religious persecution. She grew up somewhat connected to Ukrainian diaspora communities as well, where many of the people her parents age were almost certainly Ukrainian nationalist soldiers.
My uncle is absolutely blind PiS apologist. He’s literally believing everything what the PiS TV says even through the reality of his life contradicts it. He’s very old though and a bit demented.
Yes, my father is a liberal
Yeah, my parents are now bigoted Trump supporters who literally voted for Trump in the last election. Quite sad when you realize both of them were born and grew up in the Soviet Union, and my dad even voluntarily joined the soviet army by lying about his age and saying he was older than he really was.
What do they like about Trump?
They agree with him on a lot. For example, my Dad says that Biden “let in all the illegals” who “came here to steal everything from the US citizens,” and that “Under Trump, those lazy illegals couldn’t come here.” He also consumes straight-up bourgeois propaganda like “Богатый папа, бедный папа” constantly and has tried to force me to watch it as well (I refused, obviously).
My mom is somewhat better. She at least recognizes that both Trump and Biden are idiots, and that what my dad watches is propaganda, she just listens to my dad too much and so she thinks Trump is “at least better than Biden”. I’ve been explaining to her why this isn’t the case and that both are equally useless, and she seems to be slowly realizing that.
Богатый папа, бедный папа
Oh it’s that bad. Thanks!
Just running that title through deepl was enough to tell me that it’s blatant bourgeois propaganda. It’s sounds like prageru for Russian boomers.
If it’s what I think it is, it’s actually American book, by one Robert Kiyosaki (spelling may be incorrect). It’s… Not good.
Yes, that’s what it is, but he was watching YouTube videos of people reading it in Russian, so I wasn’t aware it was in English.
AFAIK the author is Hawaiian
- Non-heterosexuals are evil and should be killed/not respected/not appear in public conversations.
- Working class should be happy they have some work, and aim to save enough to bring up a family.
- God is all powerful and when things seem to be tough on you, God is teaching you a lesson.
- Any form of disability is linked to a sin and can be resolved through repentance or something like that.
- Israel is the promised land and Jews are God’s chosen people, so anyone who crosses their way should be destroyed as per Biblical teachings.
You may think these things are far fetched, but this is like 50% of people I deal with in an East African country. Perhaps context matters but these are not even considered right wing. They are considered centrists.
Why would people in East Africa care about the Jews? Especially hardcore Christians, which I presume is the case, judging by the mention of the Bible
Because in the last 120 years, most have transformed into fanatical Abrahamic religion followers. It is not possible to separate Christianity and Israel in the popular imagination in our region. People take out loans to visit the Holy Land. It is actually a big deal here.
Yeah my uncle lloyd is far right bellies in Maga nonsense