I personally donate to Solus, but I would like to see just how many people give their money to FOSS projects.
Firefox, my favourite browser, I’m hoping Mozilla won’t have to get revenue through other ways (data collection /ads) , thus I’m making a point of donating a small amount to the likes of Firefox, Wikipedia, etc
True, they got a lot of money from google to keep google as the default search engine.
Yeah, which I don’t complain about, even though I change to ddg instantly lol
It’s unfortunate that they make a huge amount of their profits from that though
I donate 10% of my income, generally 10-25% of that 10% to one time FOSS donations. It does not sound like much, 2.5%, but it’s a ton, thanks US salary!
that’s super generous! Thank you for doing that!
No problem, if you are interested in learning more: https://www.givingwhatwecan.org
That’s quite a lot.
Typically over the years it’s Android apps I regularly use that are written well that are a benefit to my day to day life. I’ll typically throw a little money at least once a year. I’ve thrown AntennaPod money a couple times in a year because I live on that thing, that app is completely indistinguishable from any mainstream app, looks great, it’s feature rich and I feel is better than half the proprietary apps out there.
I’ve been a $5/month supporter of the Godot patreon for a long while.
Godot is a cool project
Usually some small passion project that usually get no donations otherwise. My small donations will never be enough to fund actual work on a project, but I hope I can show these people that their effort is appreciated by buying them a beer or so.
Mainly Framasoft, especially Peetube, and liberapay.
No, I haven’t donated to any open source projects but I have made some small contributions to several projects that I use.
Same here.
I donated to Wikipedia and Mediagoblin. Wikipedia because I use it almost daily and Mediagoblin because I wanted an open-source alternative to YouTube. I was not aware of Peertube at the time and Mediagoblin was the closest thing to fit that description.
Yes, to conduit.rs Because I think an alternative Matrix server implementation apart from the official one should exist.
Wikipedia, KDE, Arch. Trying to donate to more
I have been a supporting member of the Trisquel GNU/Linux project for about ten years now. To date I have contributed €903.00 to the project.
I donate to Mozilla and some authors of open source libraries I use. I do it because I benefit from these projects and want to help them out. I maintain a few open source projects of my own and I know how much work it takes to do this.
NixOS, their goal is quite interesting, it’s a very distinct GNU/Linux distribution with a novel concept which completely changed my way of looking at configuring an OS and honestly, I feel like I’ve found my “home” with it and don’t plan on jumping ship any time soon (unless something else comes along that improves upon the concept or introduces some other intersting paradigm).
Liberapay, to disroot, snopyta, fdroid, etc. Two hundred dollars in a year or so. It’s not much but I’m still a student and doesn’t have a stable income
I’d say that 200 is a generous amount.
Lemmy. Fairly obvious why.