• Dessalines
    82 years ago

    Vim or neovim, and coc.nvim. It turns vim into a full ide for nearly every language.

    • @0x90@lemmy.mlOP
      2 years ago

      I really would like to try it, but I have no idea how to install coc on vim.

      I only know the basic usage commands, and I have never installed any plugin so I have no idea how to do it

      • Dessalines
        12 years ago

        Get a vim distribution that makes plugin installs easy. I use vimrc, and it has instructions for where to clone plugins.

  • savoy
    62 years ago

    It’s technically not an IDE, but neovim. With the built-in LSP, treesitter, and paired with tmux, it’s more powerful than any IDE. Plus a lot lighter and you never have to leave the comfy confines of your terminal

    • @k_o_t@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      yoo, could you share your treesitter config file?

      after tinkering around with treesitter, at some point i broke it accidentally, and i can’t return to the previous iteration 🤷‍♀️

      • savoy
        02 years ago

        I don’t have my dotfiles public quite yet (on my list) but here’s my neovim config. It’s kind of a mess of looking up others and from the docs, but it works. I’ve only recently moved to neovim’s built-in LSP (was previously using coc.vim and ALE) so I doubt it’s perfect but I haven’t had any issue yet!


  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    42 years ago

    I really like IntelliJ, and I find their open source version does everything I need. Had zero excitement about Fleet with it being closed source and cloud based.

    • @esi@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      Oh I actually tried out Textadept a year ago or so and was really interested. Haven’t gotten time to dive more into it but something about it fascinates me. Do you mind telling me more how you use it? and for what? <3

      • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
        22 years ago

        It’s my default text editor now, for any language. (Vim is my backup editor for situations like sshing into a system that doesn’t have Textadept installed since Vim is usually installed and if not that, at least vi is.)

        My main reason for switching over to it finally was the ease in which new languages can be added to its support. I program in a lot of … uncommon languages. Languages which lack representation in lexical coloration in editors (SNOBOL4, say, or Rexx, or Logtalk) or which, when “supported” are done so lousily it may be better not to use it at all. With Textadept I can whip up basic lexical coloration without breaking a sweat (usually under an hour barring weirdness like SNOBOL4’s) and can do fancy tricks like having a separate lexer for each dialect of a language (SWI-Prolog vs. GNU Prolog, for example) without a whole lot more work. Further I can trivially handle embedded languages (like SQL embedded in C or separate the coloration of the Java and HTML components in a JSP page) and, even more fun, I can inherit lexers.

        For an example of that last item, my Logtalk lexer is basically all of my Prolog lexers (complete with the dialect switches) with the Logtalk extras layered on top, so although Logtalk is a more complicated language than Prolog, lexically speaking (it’s all of Prolog plus more), my Logtalk lexer is about 20% of the size of my Prolog lexer. And if I fix a mistake in my Prolog lexer, or enhance it in some way, my Logtalk lexer comes along for the ride.

        I’ve not seen any text editor that comes close to that degree of lexical coloration support, and its support for snippets, tagging, folding, etc. is also nigh-on best of breed.

        • @esi@lemmy.ml
          32 years ago

          wow. TextAdept sounds way cooler than I initially thought. And I thought it was pretty awesome to begin with.

          Thank you for this writeup.

  • @DPUGT@lemmy.ml
    22 years ago

    I least-hate VS Code. I most-hate Visual Studio, followed closely by everything else.

    But if I wanted to torture a resurrected Adolf Hitler forced to write code as punishment, I think I might have him use Delphi 7 on Windows 10. If somehow he ever got used to it, there are several Delphi report plugins we could foist on him to crank the agony up a few quadrillionfold. Delphi is so hellish it belongs on no spectrum of best-to-worst IDEs. It sits beyond the rest. Out past the rest of the visible universe, in the cold dark, a million degrees below absolute zero.

  • Kohen Shaw
    22 years ago

    I really like JetBrains’ IDEs. Using IntelliJ (Java and LaTeX), PyCharm and WebStorm (Javascript). Also trying out DataSpell for Jupyter Notebook work. Seems to be fine and stable. Their software looks a bit overwhelming at first, but after some use I realized that it’s sane. Gets out of the way when I need to work away and have access to powerful tools. And I use vim for quick edits.

    • @sacredbirdman@lemmy.ml
      32 years ago

      That’s been my weapon of choice for a couple of years as well. It’s already quite snappy but running doom on nativecomp-enabled Emacs made it even more so :)

  • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
    22 years ago

    MonoDevelop got archived in October 4 of this year since a whole year without development.

    I recommend Eclipse with “aCute” set of tools from the Eclipse Marketplace.

    12 years ago

    GNOME Builder is nice. But I rarely use it. I’m more often writing on Neovim, Atom, and mostly within Godot editor itself if I’m working with Godot/gdscript.