They choked to death in their house. A mother and her daughter. A BBQ was found in the building, firemen say it was used as an alternative to keep warm.

Fucking hell.

  • DankZedong OP
    2 years ago

    I’m mad as hell.

    Next week we have a protest against energy prices planned in the city. Will have a whole new vibe over it now.

    2 years ago

    The dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning isn’t said enough (or just asphyxiation from smoke). European govts should make it well known that you can never use an open grill indoors, it’s deadly.

    • DankZedong OP
      12 years ago

      It was followed by a talkshow airing interviews with people living in a house that’s 13 degrees C. They were cooking on a electric pitch they bought because they can’t afford lighting their normal furnace. They only make one pot meals these days for their family of three. The father stood up at 5 each morning to at least somewhat heat the house so that their daughter didn’t have to freeze when she woke up for school. He himself only showered at the school he’s a teacher at. He’s a member of our party I saw, and he took the opportunity to highlight the insane profits of the companies in this interview.

      People that have to pay 1000 euro’s for gas while they only warm their water with it. They spend 80 minutes on hold multiple times while calling, only to be disconnected after two minutes.

      The cherry on the cake was an elderly couple that now had to pay 3200 euro’s EACH MONTH for gas and electricity. They can’t afford that.

      We are truly and utterly destroying our own population for nothing. This can’t go on any longer.

        12 years ago

        Are these prices real?

        Like, the energy companies actually expect consumers to pay €1000+ per month for gas?

        It’s not just a mistake with the direct debit or something?

        I remember your posts from the summer about these upcoming price increases so I’m not overly surprised that you now have the horror stories.

        But €3200 for the elderly couple! That’s not just a headline based on a mistake?

        How long can this go on for before there are riots? Are people just keeping their heads down and waiting for summer?

        • DankZedong OP
          12 years ago

          The video was a bit unclear on the terms, but over here you either pay per month, per two months or per three months.

          Best case scenario for these people is that they have to pay around 1000 euro’s each month. It’s not a mistake, this is what they are asking from us.

          Best thing you can do right now is reject it, pay as little as possible and hope they go bankrupt. If they don’t, an end bill of several thousands of euro’s is waiting for you. It’s completely insane. Prices have gone 10x in a little over a year, people can’t realistically afford that.

          I got called last year when reporting gas meter data to the company, they thought I made a mistake because I used so little gas. It was not a mistake, I’m just not that big of a user. My price still went up, and their solution is: try to save energy. The only way for me to do that is to actually cut off my place from the gaspipe. It’s mental, and they are ready to report 12 billions in profit soon.

            12 years ago

            I see. Thanks for explaining.

            It’s going to be a tough winter. Tougher than most Western Europeans have face in a long time. And tougher than most people can imagine.

            I would expect to hear stories like the one in the OP if the price had ‘only’ gone to €2–300/month. If someone is struggling to pay €100, then any increase makes it unaffordable. €1000+ is just… wow…

            I hope the fire service is ready for when people start burning wood/books/coal etc indoors without a fireplace to stay warm.

            These shits expect to double their profits while providing half the energy we used last year. Energy is fast becoming the core contradiction of our era (if it wasn’t before). I simply cannot see how energy companies think this is at all sustainable, or how governments can be so ideologically warped that they refuse to accept the need to intervene properly.

            At this rate, I cannot see any current major European political party surviving the next decade. They’re going to be torn apart between the far right and the far left. (Unfortunately, the far ‘left’ doesn’t really exist in most of Europe, but the centrist parties will still collapse.)

            It’s like fossil capital is predicting the planet to collapse, so they’re trying to make as much money as possible while they still can, but for what? If the planet collapses, that money won’t be worth anything.

            Wtf are they thinking?

    12 years ago

    Just yesterday someone told me that “sanctioning Russia is working” the sanctions are empoverishing and killing us in the EU

    • ButtigiegMineralMap
      12 years ago

      And the hot topic on everyone’s lips these days are “More Sanctions” which is straight up a losing battle for the West

    • DankZedong OP
      12 years ago

      Today, above the news article about these women, Belgian news papers put out an article saying that Putin might be losing the sanctions war with Europe. Completely deranged, these people.

        12 years ago

        If only the newspaper was in English… It could become a meme, memeing about tragedies as this is bad but I think it would have raised awareness