Just looking for advice/opinion. I bought from ebay, what i thought was an x220 Thinkpad with 8G of RAM…turned out only to have 4. I left a bad review but will keep the machine. I put Arch/Sway anyway.

I want to add RAM…i think it can go up to 16. I looked on line and i think it would be about $50 to buy the memory…so i thought o would find an online tutorial and add the memory myself…is this a bad idea?

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    12 years ago

    Learning always is a good idea.

    You have two ram slots only. You could do 8 and 4gb but that’s not advised. Better use same amount and also same frequency etc. Did you check out the ifixit link?

    • @stopit@lemmy.mlOP
      12 years ago

      I will…there is already 4, so i thought…add 12!

      This should be interesting. I will check the link…i still have to order the memory.

      • poVoq
        22 years ago

        No, 2x8GB is the best, or open up the laptop and check the existing 4 GB stick (might even be 2x2GB though) and try to find the same online for 2x4GB setup, as 8GB is basically enough if you don’t run bloatware like Windows.

      • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
        22 years ago

        First make sure that you got compatible memory! Also you could try to find used modules, they are available on craiglist and similar sites.

      • @toneverends@lemmy.ml
        12 years ago

        No such thing as a 12GB stick. You could start with adding an 8GB, then in the future replace the 4 with another 8. (Assuming it’s not 2+2 in there currently).

        • @ree@lemmy.ml
          22 years ago

          I’m running my x220 with 4+8 (12gb) and there is no issues :)

          I rarely require more than 8gb but sometime do memory intensive job and it’s stable, the CPU is more of a bottleneck.

          Iirc it’s possible to run 2x16gb but there is some BIOS trickery involved.