• xenith
    63 years ago

    I agree 100% with your comment. Fuck the surveillance state. Fuck the 14 eyes and their collaborators. Fuck capitalism hard. There’s a metric fuckton of legitimate and serious criticism of the 14 eyes and the practices of the US specifically.

    At the same time, legitimate criticism about any other country is valid, including China. There shouldn’t be sides where one is “bad” and the other is “good.” It rings of Republicans bad/Democrats good. None of the rich and powerful work for you or care about you. That’s the only way they became rich and powerful - sociopathic behavior. To them, you and I only matter as far as we can advance their desires.

    I realize that the US pushes out anti-China rhetoric constantly and most of it is total bullshit. I also see most arguments against the CPP are based around that propaganda. That doesn’t mean that the CPP is doing everything right and deserves a universal pass on criticism. No government does.

    Show me a government full of pure and transparent people and ideas who work solely for the good of everyone and we should get off Lemmy and work on getting citizenship there.

    With all that said if its an open source processor, I don’t understand why it originating country matters if anyone can analyze the technology, but then I know nothing about the inner workings of a processor.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
      33 years ago

      Yeah this is not some kind of Chinese chauvinism by me lol, even I have criticisms of China in the privacy and anonymity culture domain. I also have an understanding of the censorship and Chinese history behind it, which most do not or ignore. However, what these people practice is basically an attempt to gatekeep China out of what Westerners think they “own” the open source libre digital culture. Fuck that attitude eternally.

      These people also practice a lot of xenophobic racism against China, and some even go to lengths to make Western chauvinism apparent and boldly clear.

      These dishonest racists also want to put the xenophobic seed in other heads that a Chinese CPU, no matter if the documentation or firmware or architecture is open, still somehow means CPC will put backdoors into open hardware. They are either illiterate, or know what they are doing, and I lean towards the latter, having a good outlook of the situation.