So I got a new CPU, an AMD, so I bought a new mother and so on and installef latst Zorin OS on my SDD, everything works fine but I hear distorted sound and they layer on top of each other, like, the same sound starts repeating and causing more distortion. I tried doing some stuff with Alsamixer but to no avail, whst to do?

  • loathesome dongeater
    12 years ago

    First you can try another distro like Ubuntu or Linux Mint from a live USB to make sure that the issue is not with broken hardware. After that I’m not sure what to do but you should find out whether your OS is using pulseaudio or pipewire as the backend.

    • Soviet SnakeOP
      12 years ago

      Hello, sorry for taking so long to reply, life’s been pretty shit lately. I did follow everyone’s advice and tried another distro’s through a bootable live USB, since it worked I reinstalled Linux and it works now.