I don’t use deoderant; I don’t feel the difference and I never really cared much about my smell; but my parent keeps bringing it up and it’s annoying.

Also, what’s wrong with smell? Human smells differ anyway.

  • @Stoned_Ape@lemmy.ml
    -42 years ago

    Are you doing it just with that example (deodorant), or with anything else as well? That was my question. If you’re not doing that, it would be interesting for me to explore the differences, and why you wouldn’t do other things with your body when others are requesting it.

    • Graveyard Leprechaun
      92 years ago

      If it’s a matter of hygiene, then I would listen. If it’s a matter of personal taste, then I would see whether I share their taste. It’s pretty simple, really. I don’t want to be offensive, so that tends to be my compass.

    • Pax
      02 years ago

      i might get downvoted, but i think it’s a valid question. however, i think most people are, which makes it a bit of a strange question. i think it might be better in its own thread.