• @joojmachine@lemmy.ml
      352 years ago

      Just for a bit of context, this guy is mainly famous in the Linux community for his “Linux Sucks” series he used to do annually, with a light-hearted but pinpoint approach to tackling the main problems with the Linux desktop in general. That is, until the pandemic hit. Then he just unleashed his inner fascist that was probably always there.

      Then his content became mostly complaining about “woke culture” mainly in Mozilla and the GNOME team, “cancel culture” after the whole schtick with RMS and his behaviour and probably his worst take yet to this day, reducing Linus Torvalds himself to a “vaccine passport company employee” when he yelled GTFO to another guy spreading misinformation about vaccines in the Linux kernel mailing list.

      tl;dr the guy got famous for good content and then became publicly the complete ass he probably always was

      • @stopit@lemmy.ml
        22 years ago

        Hmm, his covid stance surprises me, i used watch him back when he had a youtube channel and remember him talking about volunterily pulling his kids out of school weeks before we started the shutdowns.

        • @joojmachine@lemmy.ml
          132 years ago

          Yes it absolutely is, because “woke culture” is nothing but a strawman to justify LGBTQIA±phobia and racism. Let’s not forget that “traditional values” are forged in a lot of those things.

          • Lvxferre
            22 years ago

            Yes it absolutely is, because “woke culture” is nothing but a strawman to justify LGBTQIA±phobia and racism. Let’s not forget that “traditional values” are forged in a lot of those things.

            It’s 90% strawman, 10% hypocrite finger-pointing at things that the alt right also does - such as the thing that they call “virtue signalling”. The later is yet another of those “even a broken clock is right twice a day, but if you’re assuming that a broken clock is reliable then you’re braindead” cases.

            • @jumanjimanju@lemmy.ml
              132 years ago

              Would you mind expanding on what you mean by forcing Lgbtq+ values on people? My take is that lgbt people like to not be dehumanized. Thats not too controversial

            • @joojmachine@lemmy.ml
              82 years ago

              I’ll just stop feeding the troll, if anyone else wants to indulge in the internet equivalent of talking to a brick wall, feel free to go on.