Hi, Lemmy! So I made two mistakes. But I’d like to inform Lemmy, that there is a free speech version of the Lemmy code being used to throw racial slurs around. That instance is called goatpen.co I advise you not to go there, as you will come across racial slurs on the front page.

So my first mistake was asking what people on discussions.app like to use for different social networks. One instance, as mentioned above was goatpen.co. My curiousity got the better of me, and I went to check it out. That was my second mistake. That place is a cesspool.

That’s all I wanted to say. Someone or some company is using lemmy’s code to host a lemmy-clone and make it a cesspool.

    • @handvat@lemmy.ml
      73 years ago

      Just like a kitchen knife can be used by murderers does not mean that the kitchen knife manufacturer should actively monitor who is buying their knifes and go after the ones with bad intentions in my opinion. In the same way, I don’t think free software should be licensed under such an ethical open source license.

      First of all, it’s just very hard to enforce I’d imagine. Would people who do not care about respecting human rights to begin with even care about such a license? You’re not stopping “evil” by making up rules that “evil” people don’t follow almost by definition. At least the license is more clear about what is considered as acceptable and what not unlike the infamous “The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil” clause, for which I have to give it some credit.

      Everything you can make can be used for wrong things and I suppose you’ll have to accept that you’ll never have full control over that. The only thing that can stop something to be used by people with bad intentions is to never create it in the first place.

      Besides, I´d rather have my enemy use open source software instead of closed source software. If they use open source software, it’s easier to get a grasp on what they’re capable of.

      For software like Lemmy with federation, I’d just say to block those from federating to your own instances and stop giving those instances attention. As long as the flagship instances that federate with each other keep up a positive attitude, I would just ignore those extremist people’s instances

      • jhghjb (he/they)
        3 years ago

        Just like a kitchen knife can be used by murderers does not mean that the kitchen knife manufacturer should actively monitor who is buying their knifes and go after the ones with bad intentions in my opinion


        I’d just say to block those from federating to your own instances and stop giving those instances attention

        that humanizes them, they’ll feel like “i’m not allowed there but at least i can exist”, which is a very dangerous precedent

        • @Nasst@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          Please tell me you’re a troll.

          “At least I can exist” being “dangerous precedent” is low key advocating for genocide, btw.

        • @Thann@lemmy.ml
          03 years ago

          Can you explain how we could practically ban kitchen knives from being bought by murders? Also, have you seen minority report?

              • jhghjb (he/they)
                -13 years ago

                you think it’s a joke? i’m out here fighting hate online by moderating reddit 10+ hours a day so people like you can have a nice environment

                • @joojmachine@lemmy.ml
                  03 years ago

                  learn to take a joke bro, minority report is the name of a show so yeah, I think your reaction was funny

                  • jhghjb (he/they)
                    -13 years ago

                    i apologize for not reading you comment properly and misinterpreting what you said

                    but i still find concerning that a movie with ‘minority’ in the name has a wh*te protagonist

    • @slacktoid@lemmy.ml
      03 years ago

      I have an issue with the ethical open source license, this is irrespective of my stance on free software, which is being ethical is ambiguous, it depends on the reader or interpreter as to what ethical is.

      For example I would consider being anti racist ethical but someone else could interpret being anti racist as racist ( or however they victimize themselves )

      That ambiguity, that my stupid ass could come up with off the cuff, is why its a bad license to use.

      • @southerntofu@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        How could anti-racism be racist? Sure you can have resentment and preconceived ideas about a person based on their skin color, but racism is far more than this. First because there’s cultural racism, too. Second, because racism is a structural oppression which distirbutes power and resources unequally: there is not a single place on Earth to my knowledge where white people are victims of structural racism.

        • Helix 🧬
          03 years ago

          there is not a single place on Earth to my knowledge where white people are victims of structural racism

          South Africa, right now.

          • @southerntofu@lemmy.ml
            12 years ago

            Attacking landowners to reclaim the resources and lands they stole from the people is not racism. Make equality (racial and economic) a reality and you’ll see there’s no such “racism”, but when the white 10% own over 50% of the resources in the country, and the State is bent on oppressing the poor (such as evicting squats/slums for the profit of big landlords) there’s bound to be a backlash.