2FA Auth with Lemmy will give more security to the account, and having both a secret key, and qr code will allow any 2FA app to work with it.

Backup codes would also, be a plus with a button to export them into a .txt file.

  • @Thann@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    yes please!

    Only problem is admins have to have a way of “resetting” 2FA when users inevitably loose their phone =/

    • @beansniffer@lemmy.ml
      22 years ago

      Why would it be the responsibility of the admins if users don’t have proper backups? Wouldn’t the ability to reset 2FA completely negate the advantages of it if the admins can be subject to a phishing attack that removes 2FA from someones account?

      • @Thann@lemmy.ml
        -12 years ago

        most people are stupid, so most people will lose 2fa, so most people on your instance will be locked out.

        You can not like this, but its what will happen if you allow 2fa without having any recovery methodology =/