Is anyone else really curious about how this might positively impact software/the web? I’m sure people can come up with efficiency bogeymen, but I can see

  • local stuff adapted for local needs/cultures
  • federated software getting a real boost to whatever extent it can avoid caching other servers’ data[1] to be compliant–then you can just have your stuff live in your Lithuanian provider and pull across dank Canadian memes
  • broadly better practices around cellular / partitioned infrastructure

We should all be skeptical of markets as a force for good in any situation, but I can’t help thinking some shattering (nay, might I say… “disruption”?) of “natural monopolies” will lead to there being local demand that can spur innovation for cooler things.

  1. I believe Pleroma doesn’t store images, for instance, just pulls them from the origin server. Lots of perf concerns with these approaches but perhaps potential ↩︎

    53 years ago

    “A lack of safe, secure and legal international data transfers would damage the economy and hamper the growth of data-driven businesses in the EU, just as we seek a recovery from Covid-19.”

    I have an idea. Hear me out guys.

    Instead of making money off of stolen data… Provide a paid service that’s worth the peoples money! :O