I found this gem while searching throught this anti-communist website. Maybe we should “fix” it?

  • KiG V2
    351 year ago

    This entire article reads like 15 year old me whining in a journal about people in school I didn’t like. But even back then, I didn’t cherrypick and distort this hard.

    No citation of “Comradeship” under major communities, it wouldn’t match the narrative that we are all senseless monsters. Claiming we hate all Ukranians when I literally see comrades constantly say they hate what the U.S. and the Nazis are doing to innocent people of Ukraine. Spinning our interest in maintaining a strictly ML site as dystopian cultish censorship, meanwhile if any liberal community bans someone who even suggests China doesn’t power their Doom Machine with ground up puppies they get celebrated.

    Being wrong is one thing, but to be so smug about it is what really irritates me.

    Anyways, back to discussing totally-evidenceless “crank” I guess.

    • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
      171 year ago

      It even starts with the observation that users moved here in greater numbers because Reddit shut down left wing spaces. No sense of irony in their critique liberal complaint§ of the LG.

      § Critique suggests far more rigour and analysis. Thank Parenti for clarifying the difference between a liberal complaint and a radical analysis.

      • It starts with the accusation that we’re a platform for communists to coordinate actions lol

        See the thing is, Wisconcom tried to join the GZD discord a while back and then promptly posted hoxhaist stuff everywhere. I think he was given a talking to for this and he decided to leave because that’s what he does when you push back at him. After that he got it in his head that we were working in league with GZD.

        Same thing when he was removed from Prolewiki, it was never an issue before but afterwards he started to claim that Prolewiki is in league with lemmygrad and it’s the primary way we recruit people to the project.

        Whereas everyone knows discord is where the bulk of communist organising happens lmao

        BTW I asked him once to show proof of GZD/Lemmygrad/Prolewiki “collusion” (cause nobody actually cares if we joined up) and obviously he couldn’t. Most of our new editors on PW find us on Twitter lol

    • @JohnBrownEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      To be fair, that’s just RationalWiki. Articles written with this smug tone, like it was written by an internet atheist or a debate bro.

  • Water Bowl Slime
    251 year ago

    Hey rationalwiki editor can you make a page about me, specifically? I wanna be wiki famous 🥺🙏

  • Black AOC
    231 year ago

    18:28, 23 December 2022 LeftyGreenMario deleted page Lemmygrad (transparent hitpiece by a user blocked from the site, see RationalWiki:Articles for deletion/Lemmygrad)

    Fuckin lmao

    • It’s funny though because they’re like the quintessential liberal. Just reading the deletion discussion you get everything: the holier than thou attitude, the blind obedience to the rules, the people drunk on their own power who think they’re taking super important decisions…

      And yet they can’t take a decision and ban Wisconcom who has:

      • been reprimanded before for bringing personal vendetta to the wiki (he blocked our most prolific editor)
      • blocked himself from editing somehow
      • asked for a profile name change and then changed it back
      • keeps getting into arguments over there from what I can tell.

      They actually made him an admin on the site cause they make everyone into an admin lol

      • stasis
        1 year ago


        he’s probably baiting just to get a reaction out of us

      • KiG V2
        141 year ago

        What’s the tea? I don’t know this person

          • KiG V2
            191 year ago

            Okay so please correct me if I’m wrong…he essentially contributed to the RationalWiki Lemmygrad hitpiece article, that he is now HERE sharing masquerading as a “tankie” suggesting that WE brigade it?

            This is very strange. I mean, it aligns with some of the other amorphous flip-flopping behavior described, but it’s just so…odd.

            • Camarada Forte
              1 year ago

              he essentially contributed to the RationalWiki Lemmygrad hitpiece article, that he is now HERE sharing masquerading as a “tankie” suggesting that WE brigade it?

              That’s right. I don’t understand him either, and the only thing that makes sense is that he is just a wrecker. This would perfectly explain his actions.

              He’s constantly attempting to infiltrate both ProleWiki and Lemmygrad, and now he tried to make it look like he is not Wisconcom by posting in opposition to the RationalWiki article he himself created

              But when one of his first posts is already about the RationalWiki article, it’s just obvious at this point, after all the alt accounts he created so far. He doesn’t seem to care and probably only created the account to share this link here.

              • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
                51 year ago

                It’s suspicious to say the least. Could just be a rando, but it’s worth taking caution in future interactions (by the sounds of it you all already do)…

                First see who will join in a fabricated brigade. Then suggest something similar. Establish trust. Establish a pattern. Eventually suggest increasingly serious actions or just enough petty actions to create evidence that Lemmygrad is bad news. Voila. We’ve heard the story before, but usually about recruiting right wingers.

                Do you think it’s worth having a discussion somewhere among ourselves, about how to avoid getting into stupid shit? Something along the lines of spotting wreckers (I think it might have been you who posted the steps from the field manual not to long ago).

            • How pathetic. How void of meaning does your life have to be to do this kind of stuff?

              Like bro, it’s almost christmas, go drink some eggnog and watch movies 😂.

        • @CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
          151 year ago

          The tldr is that they’re a very argumentative hoxhaist who couldn’t stop calling the site’s regular users revisionists. They were banned and now try to reinfiltrate Lemmygrad with alt accounts every once and a while. They have a weird beef with this site and ProleWiki.

          I’d recommend digging through some of the older Peoples’ Court and ProleWiki threads if you want the full lore.

          • KiG V2
            121 year ago

            I just might because this person and their behavior is stranger the longer I stare at it

          • KiG V2
            61 year ago

            I guess in a weird way I could appreciate them bringing RatWiki libs a step leftward towards Trotskyism/etc., I mean it’s all part of the radicalization funnel. But it’s truly a lot of gall to behave in all of these ways and still try and think you can just mingle back here and it’ll all be okay.

            I also just am so frustrated, why would someone be cool with Stalin and not China. This isn’t the first person I’ve seen like this. How can you breakthrough the most propagandized, villified hero in history to recognize their goodness but can’t do the same for a country of over 1 billion people. Maybe just because it’s comfortably far away, a figure from nearly 100 years ago as opposed to a country that is currently a hot button issue? You’d just figure that Iraq “WMDs” or the like alone would be enough to prove to any leftist beyond a shred of a doubt: STOP TRUSTING WHAT WESTERN MEDIA SAYS ABOUT THEIR ENEMIES 🤬

            • Anna ☭🏳️‍⚧️
              101 year ago

              I guess in a weird way I could appreciate them bringing RatWiki libs a step leftward towards Trotskyism/etc.

              This is a very, very, weird to look at things. Especially considering how Wisconcom has acted in the past. Note that there are other communists in RationalWiki aside from Wisconcom. I doubt that they’re as stupid as him, but they’re probably revisionist as well.

              I also just am so frustrated, why would someone be cool with Stalin and not China.

              Because Hoxhaism and Maoism exists. Wisconcom is a hoxhaist, meaning he despises Mao as well because Hoxha said stuff and claimed Mao Tsetung thought is reactionary and anti-Marxist.

              • I recall there being a user arguing with Wisconscom before the original account got banned who pointed out that Hoxha started calling China revisionist conveniently after China stopped sending Albania money because they were still relatively poor at the time.

                • Yep, a user who was actually from the PRC who responded by calling the Hoxhaist a bunker enthusiast lmao.

                  But yep, a non-native lecturing an actual citizen and acting like they knew more about their home country than the person who actually lives, studies and works there…

  • QueerCommie
    171 year ago

    “Opiates of the masses: Trotskyism, Bolshevism, Maoism” What do they mean by that? Also, the only people that use the word Bolshevism are Nazis and Nazbols.

  • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I can’t find the page log since it was deleted but you can access the talk page and yep, it was Wisconcom who created and edited this page all along.

    If RationalWiki is an anticommunist website and Wisconcom wrote a page on it, what does that make him?

    edit: also you got fucking purple links all over the sidebar, how fucking stupid do you think we are?

    You deserve to be bullied from the Internet. You deserve no friends. I hope you read this. I will keep bullying you every time I run across you until you get a life and stop bothering us with your fed drivel.

    • @fire86743@lemmygrad.ml
      61 year ago

      Ah, what a surprise that it was Wisconcom that dissed us.

      Ultra-leftists tend to be best buddies with liberals and fascists.

  • QueerCommie
    131 year ago

    Anti-science, new-age? Do they mean the lavenderism community or something?

    • KiG V2
      161 year ago

      They cite this as well as an Anti-Psychiatry community…neither of which I, a regular-ish user, even knew existed. Neither of which I imagine would be very popular amongst the average Lemmygrad user, perhaps a niche, just as there is many niches…we have a gardening sub IIRC, does that make Lemmygrad a horticulturist nexus? 🙄

      • @CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        The person who ran the anti-psychiatry community, Amicese, was banned awhile back. I believe it was for being a bit too combative with other users regarding psychiatry incidentally enough. I don’t think that community really got any posts after their ban.

        • KiG V2
          101 year ago

          Oh damn, I remember seeing that user. Hope they can sort it in the future.

        • Black AOC
          41 year ago

          I genuinely hope Ami’s doing alright. I found myself agreeing with some of their takes, mostly because in the lifelong struggle against my headfuck, I’ve had no less than four different pill-pusher psychologists prescribe me things that actually made my physical body worse; nothing like the time my anti-depressant was thickening my blood while my anti-seizure meds were thinning it back out-- but overall, I found Ami to be more or less agreeable when they weren’t in ‘scorched earth’ mode. They just started going scorched earth at p much every turn, and that’s… Admittedly tiresome.

  • @GloriousDoubleK@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    …Theyre wrong about the Chinese and Russian oligarch thing.

    But I mean; if they wanna play this game then yeah. The Russian and Chinese oligarchs get the privilege of being last in line for the wall with the possibility for re education.

  • d-RLY?
    61 year ago

    lol, almost reads like a joke/sarcasm post from GenZedong.