I found this gem while searching throught this anti-communist website. Maybe we should “fix” it?

  • KiG V2
    161 year ago

    They cite this as well as an Anti-Psychiatry community…neither of which I, a regular-ish user, even knew existed. Neither of which I imagine would be very popular amongst the average Lemmygrad user, perhaps a niche, just as there is many niches…we have a gardening sub IIRC, does that make Lemmygrad a horticulturist nexus? 🙄

    • @CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      The person who ran the anti-psychiatry community, Amicese, was banned awhile back. I believe it was for being a bit too combative with other users regarding psychiatry incidentally enough. I don’t think that community really got any posts after their ban.

      • KiG V2
        101 year ago

        Oh damn, I remember seeing that user. Hope they can sort it in the future.

      • Black AOC
        41 year ago

        I genuinely hope Ami’s doing alright. I found myself agreeing with some of their takes, mostly because in the lifelong struggle against my headfuck, I’ve had no less than four different pill-pusher psychologists prescribe me things that actually made my physical body worse; nothing like the time my anti-depressant was thickening my blood while my anti-seizure meds were thinning it back out-- but overall, I found Ami to be more or less agreeable when they weren’t in ‘scorched earth’ mode. They just started going scorched earth at p much every turn, and that’s… Admittedly tiresome.