The Lemmygrad mod team has deliberated and decided that “patsocs”, especially those claiming the title such as Maupin, Hinckle, and Infrared, are hereby banned and are not welcome on lemmygrad.

This ban does not include those who feel some level of “patriotism” (for lack of a better word) for non-settler states ( namely those who have historically been victims of colonialism ).

Discussions surrounding the topics of settler-colonialism, and decolonization will always be allowed, as long as they don’t veer into the territory of defenses of colonialism, or affinity with colonizer over the colonized.

This includes:

  • No apologia of settler-colonialism, or defenses of colonizer over the colonized. IE no defenses of Israelis over Palestinians, or European Settlers over indigenous americans fighting for the return of stolen lands.
  • Please adhere to the Marxist-Leninist principle of Right of Nations to Self-Determination: especially holding true for indigeous peoples.
  • Please adhere to the Marxist-Leninist principle of Proletarian Internationalism.
  • No social-chauvinism, or opportunistic appeals to “conservative values” to win converts to socialism.

Here are some Marxist books / resources to learn more about Settler-Colonialism ( Audiobook torrents are linked as well )

  • IngrownMink4☭
    82 years ago

    Santiago Armesilla has produced quite important works where he synthesizes the philosophical materialism of the philosopher Gustavo Bueno with the dialectical materialism of Marx. Beyond that, you are absolutely right.

    He has always defended Spanish imperialism and has justified on many occasions the deplorable acts committed by the Spanish empire. And not only that. He is, as you rightly comment, a sympathizer of the conservative and Catholic parties in Spain and he’s also transphobic.

      102 years ago

      When I really seen his true colors, was when some 5 years ago or so, Catalans where campaigning for independence, and made a popular referendum in which, literally, I shit you not, okay? In a Looney Toons Cruiser like ten thousand of military police went to Catalonia, all hight as fuck of snorting coke, almost everyone being tattooed with Nazi paraphernalia, to smash catalanists. Of course, the movement went nowhere, since only a socialist movement will in any way will emancipate this nation, but they literally had a “white card” to go and do bonehead/nazi raids on the streets to pass time during the nights.

      And that motherfucking asshole went like “good”.

      My balls dropped.