Hi, I’m a complete useless lurker who do not know anything about programming, and I want to program an XMPP client :D. I have absolutely 0 competence, but I’d like to know if there is a language preferable to make such things, and if there is a place where I can start to learn. I tried with some basic tutorials and general lessons about programming, but without a clear goal I got bored and stopped after a little while. Thanks in advance for every advice/insult!

  • poVoq
    12 years ago

    There are some underlaying reasons why some of these features do not exist, it is not (only) because the client developers do not want to implement them.

    • JamaOP
      12 years ago

      I think this could be done even on client side, at least I have some ideas (e.g. “pinned” messages could be just messages with a “room” tag locally saved on the device and chronologically ordered; answering a message can be implemented with markdown and a local search for the message when tapped on it). Of course I have absolutely no idea how hard it could be :D