The biggest issue of politics is that it is not seen as managing 100 million people but as stupid terms of left and right.

There’s no left when managing 100 million people There’s no right when managing 100 million people

There are 10000 different characteristics of each person and the ruler has to choose the right action for or against the right person. That is politics. It is not liberal, it is not authoritarian. An ideal ruler is liberal against one who’s liberal and authoritarian against one who’s authoritarian.

When we stop seeing politics in terms of these stupid terms, all will be solved!

  • poVoq
    2 years ago

    Sorry, but that is a very incomplete and IMHO naive analysis you are doing here.

    How do you as a politician actually get “your” hierarchy to follow your orders?

    I never said that your grand story needs to win over a majority.

    Authoritarian politicians usually get by through winning over a dedicated minority of state bureocrats and/or the police/military who then terrorize the rest of the population into submission.

    • Sagar AcharyaOP
      -22 years ago

      I’m pretty sure those who aren’t authoritarian also have the same strategy of winning over a minority and controlling a majority. The only difference is in that case the majority believe that they’re not being terrorized and they really believe the ruler acts in their best interests.