A friendly reminder of some of the biggest enemies of socialism and all the leftists!

  • Ball Thrower
    132 years ago

    Oh cool, why isn’t Japan highlighted? It’s bc this is a shit map.

      • Ball Thrower
        62 years ago

        I see Ukraine as a government that is run by a military state so weak that the country itself has as much power as a rock. However due to the shellings and murders of people in Donbass, Jewish and Romani people, I think they should be seen up as one of the worst as of right now.

      • @kretenkobr2@lemmygrad.mlOP
        -22 years ago

        Ukraine is irrelevant, why would it be highlighted on a map of important countries? Perhaps if the map was top 7 most important Nazi harboring countries I guess.

    • @kretenkobr2@lemmygrad.mlOP
      -22 years ago

      I just don’t view Japan as important from my perspective right now as those others. As I said, I limited myself to 7 only, I could have highlighted half that map if I was to go for all of them. I would like to hear your reasons as to why Japan is important and should be higher.

      • Ball Thrower
        62 years ago

        The Japanese Empire colonized most of Asia and committed genocide after genocide in Asian nations, and after losing WW2, their modern government was still built off the policies and belief system of the Japanese Empire. Even after WW2, some of the main orchestrators of many conquests in Asia remained in their positions, some still acting as the President. Some staying in power decades after the fact. Just because they turned capitalist doesn’t mean that they were any less “authoritarian” and right-wing as before. With constant genocide denial and a push against their people from learning about the history of the crimes their country committed, it only makes sense that Japan is seen as one of the most right-wing nations of the modern world, even decades after WW2.

      • @Rafael_Luisi@lemmygrad.ml
        52 years ago

        They have one of the biggest economys on the World, and even if they dont admitt it, their army is on the top 10 strongest armys in the world. They are objectivly the most powerfull US puppet poscession. And honestly a lot more important then fucking turkey.