Whoa, he has some ability to realize what he has taken part in creating.

“The days of Usenet, IRC, the web… even email (with PGP)… were amazing,” Dorsey said on Saturday in a tweet spotted by Mashable. “Centralizing discovery and identity into corporations really damaged the internet. I realize I’m partially to blame, and regret it.”

  • Joe Bidet
    112 years ago

    don’t forget: for these rich fucks “decentralized” now means “financiarized through cyber-ponzi schemes” (aka “web3”)

    • @Whom@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      While this redefining of the term is happening, that isn’t what’s meant here.

    • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Here’s a thing I’ve always wondered: if the blockchain is immutable, meaning nothing can be deleted from it ever, what happens if someone posts something highly illegal like revenge porn, snuff film, or CP on a blockchain-based website?

      There absolutely needs to be a way to take that stuff down, otherwise you’ve basically created a buffet for the monsters that enjoy that stuff, because they’ll know that once uploaded it can never be removed and the address to access it can’t even be changed.

      Also, since possessing such materials is illegal in the vast majority of places (as it should be), wouldn’t that mean that the instant such content gets uploaded to the blockchain, everyone storing that blockchain is committing a very serious crime?

      I’ve never seen a serious attempt to address this problem, but it absolutely needs to be addressed! What I have seen though, are blockchain fans implying that they don’t want that stuff to be illegal when on a blockchain for the sake of keeping the blockchain intact, which, no, I absolutely disagree with that. Gross.

      • Ora
        2 years ago

        From my understanding, they don’t put the content itself on the blockchain but a plaintext permalink. I could be wrong, but since every decentralized node has a full copy of everything on the blockchain it’s only feasible to have tiny bits of text.

          • art
            52 years ago

            That’s exactly it. But you also have to buy our special token and or cryptocurrency.