Keurig - I’m a manly-man, I drink my coffee, BLACK, with a half a pack of Camel no filters and a bowl of nails.

but my wife wanted on so now while I’m waiting of my pot of coffee to make, I’ll pop in a k-cup from a variety pack.

Nothing goes better with a bowl of nails quite like Blueberry pie coffee.

    93 years ago

    A 3D printer and a bidet. The 3D printer changes your mindset from “damn annoying thing X” to “I can print something to solve all annoyances”. The bidet made my butt super duper clean and wastes almost no paper.

    • poVoq
      33 years ago

      I am so close to being convinced about the 3d printer thing… but then I always remember how lazy I am and that it will just sit in the corner and gather dust :(