At least for me its very difficult to make the line between preventing hate speech and allowing the freedom. I’m thinking to launch a lemmy instance, but the targeted audience is very sensitive to religion topics, and i’m sure if i allow it, this could lead to hate speech at some point and may fuel violence. Also, from my prospective, i just want my audience find new good things far from porn, porn sites are a lot, and i don`t want to mix it with other topics that can very constructive.

So please tell me your opinion, if banning these 2 topics can effect the freedom of speech.

    02 years ago

    “and may fuel violence” … While this part is an absurd notion, it brings up a great point… I guess you kind of create the community you want to see

    What I believe Reddit originally did when it started was (1) allow everything, but (2) create the illusion that a large audience liked certain things more than others… Is that right or wrong? Obviously Reddit is 100% complete shit now, but it didn’t used to be!

    I hope more people chime in on this conversation… I’m currently trying to run a platform for events, and I create a filter for religious events… But it’s because those tend to be “spammy” or highly mundane… also an eye sore for me… people have the option to filter them back in, but I think about something similar to what you asked