• poVoq
    2 years ago

    In this specific case of reactor type it probably is. As far as I understand the plan is to make a lot of these small fuel-pellets and shoot them with lasers, each being used up in the process.

    Other fusion reactor types do indeed try to sustain a pulsed (tokamak) or continuous (wendelstein) plasma, but then you end up having huge additional energy costs in the form of magnetic confinement and currently also cooling these magnets to super-conducting temperatures. See the video that @Peter1986c@lemmy.ml posted below.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      02 years ago

      The energy cost for sustained plasma is reduced dramatically now that room temperature superconductors are now possible. This was basically the main limiting factor for positive energy output.

      • poVoq
        22 years ago

        Hence my “currently” in the above comment. I am carefully optimistic that Wendelstein-X based fusion reactor designs might at some point generate net energy output, but we are still far from achieving this, and sensationalist missleading headlines are not part of getting there.