I have been translating into Korean for several months. I get ideas from some users and some are modified. However, some users are messing with my translations. As a result, the translation is inconsistent. Also, some words and sentences are translated with different meanings.

I want to limit the translation rights of some users.

For several months I have been contributing to remmy Korean translation. I don’t want to see my efforts ruined.

I object to other people editing my translations without my permission. Translations need to be rechecked, reviewed, and corrected from scratch. waste too much time

  • 올레길OP
    03 years ago

    Several people have been asked to correct incorrect words or sentences. I would like to express my gratitude. But spoiling the translation is intolerable. I am not excluding others. We are trying to reverse the broken translation due to one person.

    • mieum
      03 years ago

      Is it a single user going through and changing all the translations? That’s annoying haha