I have been translating into Korean for several months. I get ideas from some users and some are modified. However, some users are messing with my translations. As a result, the translation is inconsistent. Also, some words and sentences are translated with different meanings.

I want to limit the translation rights of some users.

For several months I have been contributing to remmy Korean translation. I don’t want to see my efforts ruined.

I object to other people editing my translations without my permission. Translations need to be rechecked, reviewed, and corrected from scratch. waste too much time

  • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Other users should be able to add suggestions though.

    I am a native Spanish speaker but also know English.

    While translating in both sides I use to commit errors and, as I know that, I use to make suggestions from most of my translations or submit proposals to be reviewed.

    That doesn’t make me less capable of helping with translations.

    • 올레길OP
      03 years ago

      Several people have been asked to correct incorrect words or sentences. I would like to express my gratitude. But spoiling the translation is intolerable. I am not excluding others. We are trying to reverse the broken translation due to one person.

      • mieum
        03 years ago

        Is it a single user going through and changing all the translations? That’s annoying haha

    • IngrownMink4
      03 years ago

      I am exactly the same as you. I am also a native Spanish speaker, but I can help with translations written in English without any problem.

      Sometimes the translations we make are erroneous because we are guided by the logic of our language and ignore the logic of the English language. But in those cases, it is as easy as suggesting instead of directly translating the text string. Or as you say, ask someone else to review it to make sure you don’t make mistakes.