It feels refreshing like the old days of Reddit minus the bad stuff. People discussing hobbies, music, technology and stuff.

The one thing this place needs now is gaming discussions.

    3 years ago

    I tried to show you exactly the differences in both sides. This is why I showed a comparison with people who is learning computer programming and UX design and the people who learn directly design and touching UX design through that. The most near one is “interactive graphics design”.

    Vocational training really only applies in limited manner to the physical art and craft audience.

    I think there is a misunderstanding of what vocational training is. Vocational training is the name of the same kind of studies in United Kingdom and in Spain we are taught to use that term to refer to our kind of studies.

    Vocational training is similar to say “high school”, “university” or “college”. The art-dedicated studies here are graphics design, illustration, sculpture, etc. Here you have a little list for the available ones in the Canary Islands:

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOP
      -13 years ago

      True, in India and China, vocational training means basic computer (Word, Excel) courses, sewing skills, sixth/seventh subjects, physical work and so on. Basically empowerment stuff to get basic jobs.

      It seems it means a different thing in Western world. Interesting to know.

        13 years ago

        Think that is something similar to University but in the middle level between high school and university.

        If I an engineer studying at the university, I am a computer programmer studying at a vocational training course. Something like that.

        Some people go here when they finish university or high school (bachillerato to be exact as for vocational training in the max level they must do the middle level first or pass a special test if come from high school directly).

            3 years ago

            Vocational training is very flexible in the modalities.

            There is semi-presential and at distance modalities to these people who are working or cannot move to the centre.

            Maybe it is the same. I will check.

            In modalities, it is pretty similar to common courses for workers or average people and the school in this last case use to be called “popular university” or similar given that is for any person and not like vocational training.