I’ve dabbled with Linux over the years, first with Ubuntu in the early 2010s, then Elementary OS when that dropped, and a few years ago I really enjoyed how customizable the gui was with Xubuntu. I was able to make it look just like WIndows 2000 which was really cool.

Which current distro has the best GUI, in your opinion? I find modern Ubuntu to feel a little basic and cheap. I guess I don’t really like modern Gnome. I’m currently using Windows 10 LTSC which is probably the best possible version of Windows, but I’d jump to linux if I could find a distro with a gui that feels at least as polished and feature rich as Windows 10 LTSC.

  • @howrar@lemmy.ml
    311 months ago

    Don’t most distros have access all desktop environments? I’m assuming OP is asking about the default DE.

    • @PureTryOut@lemmy.ml
      311 months ago

      They should specify that then. Because right now I’d also answer the question with “all distros”.

      I’m assuming the OP just wants know what GUI we like best, and the distro is irrelevant.

    • @Parsnip8904@beehaw.org
      11 months ago

      They do but I wouldn’t really install two DEs in say Ubuntu because it leaves you with a bunch of confusing shit. Debian does it a nice way where they don’t interfere with each other.