Like, where do I go to install Linux?

Are there any benefits over Windows 11?

It seems to work just fine for my Steam Deck.

    41 year ago

    start simple and just virtualize one on your windows machine.

    User friendly choice would probably be Linux Mint. There are lots of distros, with pros and cons, and differences between each one.

    I’ve used Debian for the past ~15 years, which is one of the older distros.

    If you have other questions feel free to ask.

    • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
      21 year ago

      Anything good for compiling, research, and (as weird as this may sound) quoting from a book? Or note-taking in general?

      • 小莱卡
        21 year ago

        I like keeping computing simple, i’ll give you my example of how i quote/take notes from books. I made a bash script using xclip (wl-clipboard for wayland), this tool does stuff related to your clipboard aka the place things go when you copy them (in linux text goes to your clipboard simply by highlighting/selecting with the mouse). I use my mouse to select a sentence that i liked from a book and press Ctrl+P (in linux you can customize your keybindings easily) and the script just copy pastes it directly to a file using echo command, this way i dont have to open the file write whatever and save the file.