My energy supplier did not respond when asking them if I could pay my invoice with smoothies.

  • What’s the deal with companies preferring people going to the office rather than working from home?

    I like the office environment but that’s a personal preference, although I feel like people are more productive or at least more objective when working from home, so what’s in it for the companies?

      12 years ago

      They want to control their employees. Also many of those pushing this are incompetent upper and middle management who secretly know they do absolutely nothing.

      Plus there’s a huge push from segments of the ruling class because when people have to drive across the city twice a day, they consume more.

    • Black AOC
      12 years ago

      It’s a control thing; and justifying their sinking millions and millions of dollars in stolen labor into modern-“pretty” campuses so they can have a corral to keep the laborers penned in.

    • DankZedong OP
      12 years ago

      Been thinking about this as well. It seems to be cheaper to downscale in office and let them WFH.

      I think it’s partly control that you have when all your employees are there.

      The main thing, I think, is conceding in workers rights. When people realise that they can have a better home-work balance by making changes and demanding extra’s, hell would break loose for them.