Basic Marxism-Leninism Study Plan


Historical Materialism

Scientific Socialism


Political Economy

How to Make Historical Materialist Analysis

Introduction to the method

Marx & Engels’ Application


Resources for Marxist Political Economy

  • Comrade Boina
    4 years ago

    I don’t want to be an ass, truly, but any foundational guide to ML should include marxist feminist texts, decolonization texts, and marxist influenced queer liberation texts.

    ML is an evolving science and giving a reading guide that is fundamentally pre 1920 is not great. It’s reminiscent of what trots do tbh.

    Seeing Sakai, who is valuable, but memeified, but not Fanon? Really?

    Atleast include Kollontai, also. Maybe also some Arruzza and Federici.

    Disagree or agree with PSL, but their liberation school curriculum is on point.

    IMO this list is filled with redundant texts and non necessary reads also. This is fully inadequate to beginners, and also runs the risk of beginners seeing necessary and crucial developments in ML thought as secondary. A lot needs to be scrapped.

    I’d also recommend including Althusser and Gramsci.

      84 years ago

      would you be down to amend the reading list? i’d love to read more on marxist feminism and queer lib. i’m familiar with fanon and am currently working my way through wretched of the earth.

    • loathesome dongeater
      34 years ago

      Hey i remember you from chapo megathreads. First comment of yours I have seen here so a warm welcome, comrade.

  • Weilai Hope
    102 years ago

    Good Work.

    That sub wont get banned though. It would be too mask-off for reddit to do that. Instead they’re just transforming the sub into a fake commie lib sub. Recently there was a series of weird bans towards genzedong members, totally random for posts months or weeks ago, including myself, for things like “abusive behaviour” even though the comments were lacking that. My ban was changed to a week long mute when i simply replied with “What?”. Seems to me like some kind of stealth attempt at purging the sub of proper leftists and just leaving it full of fake commie libs.

    83 years ago

    Excellent! A complete basic course of reading & study in Marxist-Leninist writings for beginners is exactly what I needed. Many thanks for posting this.

  • loathesome dongeater
    44 years ago

    I feel this is too loaded for beginners. Should select five or so from this list for an introduction to beginners.

    But I understand if you want copy the post verbatim as it was posted.

      • loathesome dongeater
        44 years ago

        I feel people should study Kapital at some point but I’d rather start with easier texts to get a general picture of MLism and then tackle Kapital. The reason is that the pamphlets are texts intended for the masses not accustomed to Marxism while Kapital is academic in nature.

        That said, these are my personal beliefs and there is no single path to tread. As long as comrades are radicalised and educated, I am happy. :^)

        4 years ago

        There’s nothing wrong about starting with Das Kapital. But most who are just learning about Marxism-Leninism will consider it too difficult and too hard to understand probably — I read the first 4 chapters of Das Kapital so far (then I had to delay further reading because I no longer had the time or energy, I should continue somewhen), and I had to really study it like some people study math, i. e. write out all the important information in points, draw some scheme to visualize it, etc., so not exactly an easy book to start with. I started with Imperialism As The Highest Stage Of Capitalism, it was much easier and still addressed important aspects.

          14 years ago

          I’ve found that it’s best to read Capital in a group. That’s how I did it in high school (although I left that group at some point) and college in an independent study.

          Also, the discussion and writing cements some bonds in the reading group.

  • Looming mountain
    21 year ago

    I tbink we also need a study list of current Marxist doing research. Economists (if you find them), philosophers, ecologists, and more because one of the critiques i always get is that the people I recommend are too old and we need stuff for this day and age. (I’d say we need to read both).

    People like Graeber, Losurdo, and more.

    4 years ago

    This is the list I personally used when I was getting into Theory but for the Political Economy section the Soviet Political Economy textbook I found to be very good

    Edit: also the book ‘fundamentals of marxism-leninism’ is a pretty good book but I have found it to be littered with traces of Kruschevite revisonism


  • Muad'DibberM
    4 years ago

    Damn nice, thx for doing this. The three sources and three component parts is one my fav short essay intros.

    Very good call on having divided world divided class in there too. Def good to have some advanced labor aristocracy unequal exchange stuff in there. I’d also recommend adding John Smith - imperialism in the 21st century.