I understand English, but I have a hard time talking to someone face to face. Do you have any suggestions on this?

  • @Longjohnsilver@lemmy.ml
    33 years ago

    My native language is also not English. By undergrad, I struggled with spoken English. However, in workplaces, it became inevitable to do without good English so these are the things I did. Watch good quality English language news channels. Watch Good movies. Most importantly talk to people. Tell your friends or family that you want to improve your language and then talk to them in this language. that will improve your spoken as well as give you confidence.

  • @radnek_36@lemmy.ml
    13 years ago

    This is always my problem with other languages. I understand Hebrew and Spanish quite well, but struggle when I have to talk. When I study/practice these languages, I always focus on the stuff I’m best at bc speaking is scary, and then my speaking never improves. You need a speaking buddy who you are really good friends with and who DOESN’T MAKE YOU FEEL NERVOUS OR JUDGED. Your hard time speaking probably doesn’t come from inability, but from situational stress.

    • HellstabberOP
      13 years ago

      There are not many people in my country who can speak fluent English so it looks like im going to have a hard time

  • m-p{3}
    3 years ago

    Do you stumble on something specific? Are you having a hard time finding the right words on the spot, with pronunciation, or with verb conjugation?

    It seems counter-intuitive, but I speak more fluently if I don’t try to overthink it.