Hi everyone. I’m looking for some suggested reading (books or articles mainly. Although a video or podcast would be welcome as well) covering the following topics:

  • fall of the USSR. Specifically the last few years of the USSR and the capitalist restoration period afterwards.
  • History of Tibet leading up to the Chinese revolution. Also interested in US/CIA involvement in the decades after.
  • History just of the CPC.

These don’t necessarily have to be Marxist analyses but it would be preferred. I just want to mainly avoid Western liberal bias.

Also I looked for some reading group communities on Lemmygrad. I found a couple but they weren’t very active. Does anyone have any active reading and discussion groups they recommend?

Thanks comrades!

  • @Neers94@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    For the fall of the USSR there are two great books that I’ve found to be very insightful.

    “Socialism Betrayed” by Roger Keeran and Thomas Kenny


    “The Destruction of the Soviet Economic System” by Michael Ellman and Vladimir Kontorivich

    The first one is often described as a pop history book, and I can see that criticism. It’s not necessarily a deep dive and it’s not super acedemic but it still has a lot of insightful information and gives a very detailed timeline of events. The second one is more of a deep dive into economics, a lot of acedemic jargon so be warned.