• d-RLY?
    62 years ago

    If I were the government of a nation that for any reason wanted to see the US government fall. It would be the smart (but very long term goal) move to let the US keep going harder and harder with increasing spending on the military industrial complex. As we have seen for decades, the US gov basically refuses to pass spending bills that are needed to keep the homeland working.

    The right paints all the infrastructure stuff as “socialist/communist” or at least “pork barrel spending for places that already don’t understand fiscal responsibility and deserve to rot”. And the centrists (libs/Dems) are too concerned with not being called the dreaded “C” word and want so badly to be seen as being able to work across party lines. So they decrease the amount that goes to real functional shit needed, and appease the right by moving the money to the only part of federal government they support (the military). But we know they all have some money ties to the war companies. So of course they want to inflate those earnings (while claiming to give any fucks about vets or real people hurting).

    So if I were already considered a “rouge nation”, it would actually be smart to play some of it up or make up shit that is meant to be “leaked” to known US intelligence agencies. While also going all-in on building trust and sending aid to other nations. The military industrial complex and the war hawks will go nuts trying to chase an enemy that from all other nations perspectives don’t see. Just makes them look like paranoid fucks that can’t be trusted with the power of said military. While all that is going on, the actual people in the US also see how fucking stupid and utterly wasteful all that spending is. Especially given how badly the unsustainable greed of capitalism has just kept fucking over more and more people. So many houses, but no one can afford them, so big companies just buy all of them up as pricey rentals. Kicking out people for missing payments. Gentrification can make places “look” nice, but doesn’t mean anything if only a few people can enjoy any of it. Letting the student loan shit keep growing means people can’t justify having kids.

    Shit will either lead to real combat situations inside the nation. Or it will just stop having enough new workers to literally keep it doing anything. Expansion is very very dumb if you can’t keep the people inside at a happy enough level. And they have built up such a stupid headspace of “if we pull out of anywhere, it will be seen as weakness”. So they triple down on looking tough. The only real and true motherfucker is the nuclear weapons. As we know that really the main thing stopping the US from just going all-in on just attacking Russia and China is that if they felt they would lose (same goes for the US), missiles will definitely be shot. So the best option to win AND avoid the nuclear option is to allow it to defeat itself. Make efforts to even aid the poor and suffering in ways that the government refuses to do. Win the hearts and minds of them and the youth that would be told of who had their backs when their own government didn’t.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      32 years ago

      That’s a good summary of how things are going. Part of the problem is the inertia, the system is set up to function a certain way, and a giant bureaucracy has been created around it. Meanwhile, people in positions of power directly benefit from keeping this circus running. And that makes it very difficult to change course in any meaningful way. The system is much more likely to break than it is to bend.