• “Caucasian” is the funniest shit ever, it’s like they just took aryan bullshit then rubbed last two neurons together and seen that it is nonsense, but instead of noticing the entire thing is a nonsense they tried to update it with rudimentary geography… Which make the result even more missed since the real caucasian people are those that are absolutely not counted as “white” by US racists, and the russian racists even called them “Black Asses”. This gentleman for example, heard this one a lot in his life.

    • The idea of “races” in general is completely stupid. The truth is that so called “races” are just a continuos spectrum of human physical charachteristics. You have 2 extremes, very white people like in Norway for example, and very black people like in Mali for example. The rest is just people in between those 2 extremes, forming a continuos spectrum depending on how much melanin your skin produces.