Welcome to Capitalism, where you can lose your vision because some corporation didn’t get enough money.

  • Breadbeard
    22 years ago

    i mean it’s all hypothetical in the end since i ve never had the thing before me, but i m saying: due to the size of the device, hard encryption and continuous server connection is not probable and spoofing and reverse engineering of the device probably doable for a person of advanced IT security or reverse engineering knowledge…

    • Arsen6331 ☭OP
      22 years ago

      It’s not impossible, but not the easiest thing to do. It would take years to do for full compatibility because you’d be completely blind and have to basically try things until it works.

      • Breadbeard
        22 years ago

        well, i wasn’t suggesting the person blinded by the vendors neglect should be tasked to solve this… but from the article it seems that is exactly what they intend to happen…