Say goodbye to proprietary music players filled with ads, tracking, and profiling. Nuclear empowers you to listen to what you want, where you want, and how you want, for free.

  • @Zerush@lemmy.mlOP
    2 years ago

    ??? No such problems here. There are no other alternative for desktop and OpenSource. You can use the streaming services directly (Soundcloud, Spotify, etc.), VLC also permits, streaming (with limits and without a proxie like Nuclear), but all other desktop apps are proprietary, paid soft, or like FreeTube, are only YT front-ends.

    • 0xCAFe
      12 years ago

      That’s good for you. It didn’t really work for me. VLC is a good player, but not a good music suite. And I’m less interested in playing Spotify than Subsonic/Ampache.