I’m sure it’s happening but if the fediverse gets big you can bet your car that they will deanonymize you in the fedi.

    2 years ago

    What makes you think they do not do this already, CIA honeypots the Tor network same like other attackers. So what makes Fediverse any better right, nothing. Trump community same like n#zis will abuse the network for their evil purpose, same like they do with Tor. See what the so-called truth platform did, they took the Mastodon source code, created their own copy and pasta version and people believed it was new and unique.

    You can collect data here, same like on every other network or forum. If you want a fully anonymized platform then in theory there should be no upvotes, everyone gets the same username so everyone can hide and opinions would render pretty much useless in a sense that you cannot connect the dots from a to b over c.

    You are already deanonymized the moment you write more than 3-4 comments because your style, your arguing etc. is normally pretty unique on its own, same like your political motivation, or what you post and advertise in such a network.

    If your true question is if it will end up like Facebook, the answer is no but can it be abused to extract or infiltrate the network and communities, sure thing. It depends on who hosts the instance, if it is connected to other networks, and who runs the show. A pedo network will sure as hell just use the code run it and never connect to other servers, what I want to say is that you can abuse everything if you want to. The question is how much effort it takes.

    I know people do not like to here that but a solid platform depends on strong moderation. Even if someone would abuse the network, the moment you report them the moment his node or instance could be banned or called out, this is why it is so important that people constantly check the network, platform and that they are allowed to report things.