• @Wilty
    23 years ago

    The definition of mature content will be so blurry that they’ll use it to further restrict political discussion so anything deemed misinformation (which changes monthly) by the establishment will disappear under the guise of protecting the children.

    • MwalimuOPM
      23 years ago

      100% agree. Whenever a broker like Google slots themselves in social relations, they almost always gain power to change social reality by being dishonest translators. I am worried by how much everyday banal activities are mediated by centralized IDs. Paying for a cup of coffee using your phone? Papers, Please. Opening your house with that shiny iPhone, ID, please. We have increased instances where we need an ID while also reducing ID options to the surveillance monopolies.

      • @Wilty
        23 years ago

        Yup the digital dark age is becoming an abyss, hopefully the continued fall of the US doesn’t take us all down… And on that cheery note :)