A friend and I were having a debate. Can I hear someone else’s opinion about this?
And please give me an explanation. If yes, why? If no, why? Thanks in advance 👍🏼

  • @esi@lemmy.ml
    03 years ago

    This is not a yes or no question essentially. It depends on a lot of factors. Who are you stealing from? how hungry is the child? are there no social services that can help in a situation like this in your country?

    I would say the following, it is not okay to steal if your child is hungry, but it might be a necessery evil.

    • @jazzfes@lemmy.ml
      13 years ago

      I wouldn’t call the act of taking food when you are hungry and can’t afford it as a “necessary evil”. Mostly because of the “evil” part. Isn’t the core problem that there is someone who is in a position where they are desperate regarding their child’s need to eat?

      • @esi@lemmy.ml
        03 years ago

        Well, it is also evil that someone is hungry for sure. But that does not automatically give someone the permission to steal from someone else and potentially making someone else hungry. Like i said, it depends on a lot of factors. You can reduce the moral cost of this all depending on how you steal the food. For example dumpster diving is possibly illegal or in a gray area in many countries but there’s almost no “moral cost” for that. On the opposite end of that gradient would be stealing from another child. Which would have a really high moral cost.