I would bet my left hand that it’s possible, but is it feasible to use Matrix for the messaging? Or is this simply out the scope for the project?

  • @SloppilyFloss@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    It would probably be possible to embed a Matrix client into a Lemmy instance by way of Hydrogen Web or https://cactus.chat, but automatically giving each Lemmy instance user their own Matrix account tied to their Lemmy account would be much harder and would require hosting an entire Matrix instance alongside Lemmy.

    • ghost_laptop
      43 years ago

      maybe thats not necessary, perhaps something like granting your matrix account acess to the lemmy website and then it would obly connect to the servers without the need of having to host an instance

    • [deleted]OP
      13 years ago

      I was thinking more of a solution with cactus chat. I don’t know how much work it would be to tie that into a PM system but it would be cool to be able to message people on Matrix without leaving the site!