I imagine there’s excitement for the increase of activity but worries about the potential toxic side of Reddit coming along too.

I’d especially be interested in the Lemmy devs’ opinions.

  • vxnxnt
    11 months ago

    I’m actually quite pleased at the new influx of users! There’s finally a good amount of activity and real discussion going on here, instead of just posts with links to articles with zero comments and no real OC.

    Aside from that, I have enough faith in the moderators and the structure of the platform itself that there shouldn’t be too much of a toxicity problem. Honestly, my own biggest fear is just that a lot of the new users here lose interest and move on, returning the platform to its earlier days.

    For now, I just hope that the servers don’t go down in flames when the 12th comes around. I can’t wait to see how this platform will look further down the road though!

    • @Lets_taco_bout_it@lemmy.ml
      1611 months ago

      I literally just signed up and this is the first comment I’ve read. I feared we might be seen as outsiders so thanks. I’ve been banned from Reddit for quite some time but lurked on RIF. Hopefully Lemmy can scale in time.

      • vxnxnt
        411 months ago

        I hope you enjoy your stay here! And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. We’ll be more than happy to help.

    • @Pisck@lemmy.ml
      811 months ago

      I have enough faith in the moderators and the structure of the platform itself that there shouldn’t be too much of a toxicity problem.

      My concern: Are there enough moderators for the deluge coming?