So in the spirit of this community and not just to focus on the Reddit… issues… I thought it might be nice to get a topical conversation going in here.

Basically, what open source projects are you currently working on or are you heavily involved with?

I think it would be nice to see what projects people have on the go, get some publicity out there and otherwise talk about stuff that we should be discussing here.

    711 months ago

    Not long ago I merged a PR in ratbag, a mouse configuration tool, adding support for the mouse I own. Currently, I’m adding IPv6 support to Concourse, a Continuous Integration server, and adding some features to Taskfile, a Makefile alternative.

        311 months ago

        Thanks, although I haven’t contributed much to the core of ratbag. I only added drivers for the Mars Gaming MM4 mouse, which you’re unlikely to have heard of. Thanks should be given to the maintainers, which did a great job in mentoring and reviewing my PR!