So in the spirit of this community and not just to focus on the Reddit… issues… I thought it might be nice to get a topical conversation going in here.

Basically, what open source projects are you currently working on or are you heavily involved with?

I think it would be nice to see what projects people have on the go, get some publicity out there and otherwise talk about stuff that we should be discussing here.

    211 months ago

    Tagging off OpenStreetMap to say I also contribute to Organic Maps, the best mobile app for OSM in my opinion.

    • Amir
      111 months ago

      Organic Maps is my main navigation app past approx 3 years now. Have all my places bookmarked within it. It’s not the best navigation app, but i am optimistic because the dev team are doing plentiful. Meanwhile the progress can be followed at their GitHub page.

      Soon it will work with Android Auto.

        211 months ago

        Yeah I’m really excited! OsmAnd obviously has a foothold and is a swiss army knife of GPS stuff, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to recommend it to my friends and family. Whereas with OM the developers seem open to accomplishable FOSS privacy-respecting improvements while keeping things simple and usable, so I have hope that I can help nudge it in the right direction.