With forewarning about a huge influx of users, you know Lemmy.ml will go down. Even if people go to https://join-lemmy.org/instances and disperse among the great instances there, the servers will go down.

Ruqqus had this issue too. Every time there was a mass exodus from Reddit, Ruqqus would go down, and hardly reap the rewards.

Even if it’s not sustainable, just for one month, I’d like to see Lemmy.ml drastically boost their server power. If we can raise money as a community, what kind of server could we get for 100$? 500$? 1,000$?

  • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
    5111 months ago

    The site currently runs on the biggest VPS which is available on OVH. Upgrading further would probably require migrating to a dedicated server, which would mean some downtime. Im not sure if its worth the trouble, anyway the site will go down sooner or later if millions of Reddit users try to join.

      • @makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml
        1211 months ago

        We need Self hosted team and team networking to represent. Would be amazing to see some community support in scaling Lemmy up.

      • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
        911 months ago

        Can we replace Lemmy.ml with Join-lemmy.org when Lemmy.ml is overloaded/down?

        I dont think so, when the site is overloaded then clients cant reach it at all.

        Does LemmyNet have any plans on being Kubernetes (or similar horizontal scaling techniques) compatible?

        It should be compatible if someone sets it up.

        • Leigh
          811 months ago

          You could configure something like a Cloudflare worker to throw up a page directing users elsewhere whenever healthchecks failed.

            • Leigh
              711 months ago

              spy on all the traffic

              That’s…not how things work. Everyone has their philosophical opinions so I won’t attempt to argue the point, but if you want to handle scale and distribution, you’re going to have to start thinking differently, otherwise you’re going to fail when load starts to really increase.

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
                211 months ago

                Cloudflare spies via decrypting any and all SSL traffic. They are a MITM company, and they started off originally as Project Honeypot, read about it. No, this is not philosophical or conspiratorial, this is reality.

            • @Cadende@lemmygrad.ml
              11 months ago

              A better option for a simple usecase like that is using something from your DNS provider. Depending on who you use they may have a health check service that has no access to user data that can simply ping a URL, and if it fails hard enough, start redirecting traffic to join-lemmy.org

              I think Constellix has it, though I’m not necessarily recommending them specifically

    • @Lobstronomosity@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      I’m sure you know this, but getting progressively larger servers is not the only way, why not scale horizontally?

      I say this as someone with next to no idea how Lemmy works.

        • @Lobstronomosity@lemmy.ml
          11 months ago

          Is it possible to make Lemmy (the system as a whole) able to be compatible with horizontally scaling instances? I don’t see why an instance has to be confined to one server, and this would allow for very large instances that can scale to meet demand.

          Edit: just seen your other comment https://lemmy.ml/comment/453391

          • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
            2411 months ago

            It should be easy once websocket is removed. Sharded postgres and multiple instances of frontend/backend. Though I don’t have any experience with this myself.

            • @wiki_me@lemmy.ml
              1311 months ago

              I think that is unavoidable, Look at the most popular subreddits , they can get something like 80 million upvotes and 66K comments per day, do you think a single server can handle that?

              Splitting communities just so that it will be easier technically is not good UX.

            • @ccunix@lemmy.ml
              711 months ago

              There is already a docker image so that should not be too hard. I’d be happy to set something up, but (as others have said) the DB will hit a bottleneck relatively quickly.

              I like the idea of splitting off the image processing.

    • @Pisck@lemmy.ml
      2411 months ago

      There will either be an hour of downtime to migrate and grow or days of downtime to fizzle.

      I love that there’s an influx of volunteers, including SQL experts, to mitigate scaling issues for the entire fediverse but those improvements won’t be ready in time. Things are overloading already and there’s less than a week before things increase 1,000-fold, maybe more.

    • Divided by Zer0
      111 months ago

      Do you have the frontend a DB serving in the same VPS? If so it would be a great time to split them. Likewise if you DB is running in a VPS, you’re likely suffering from significant steal from the hypervisor so you would benefit from switching to a dedicated box. My API calls saw a speedup of 10x just from switching from a VPS DB to a Dedicated Box DB.

      I just checked OVH VPS offers and they’re shit! Even at 70 Eur dedicated on hetzner, you would gain more than double those resources without steal. I would recommend switching your DB ASAP for immediate massive gains.

      If you’re wondering why you should listen to me, I built and run https://aihorde.net and are handling about 5K concurrent connections currently.

      • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
        11 months ago

        Hetzner is very strict about piracy so thats not an option. And now is almost weekend so I wont have time for a migration. Anyway there are plenty of other instances in case lemmy.ml goes down.

        Edit: I also wouldnt know which size of dedicated server to choose. No matter what I pick, it will get overloaded again after a week or two.

        • Divided by Zer0
          111 months ago

          Even if you choose Hetzner, it won’t even know it has anything to do with piracy because it will be just hosting the DB, and nobody will know where your DB is. That fear is overblown.

          Likewise believe me a dedicated server is night and day from a VPS.