• poVoq
    3 years ago

    The SPD leadership always has been quite right-wing (in relative terms), especially after the WASG split. But yes, right now the more leftish basis has elected some left blinking figure-heads who in my opinion have consistently not lived up to expectations, but that is another discussion.

    I just think the overall idea of trying to “steal back” voters from the CDU (who “stole” some center-leftish voters from the SPD in the Merkel years) is misguided. Those are much more likely to vote Green in the first place or stick with the CDU.

    • @qoheniac@lemmy.ml
      13 years ago

      I think both Greens and SPD have the potential to convince different kinds of CDU voters without stealing too much from each other and maybe loosing some voters to the Lefts who should try to get as much non-voters as possible. To me this strategy seems the only one that could lead to a government without the CDU.