Hello, I’m considering hosting my own instance of Lemmy but it is crucial that users are allowed to block remote instances, not just individual communities.

This is because some of our members will want nothing to do with politics, while others will love it. And even within those who enjoy politics, some are really left leaning while others are more moderate.

In order not to stress out the moderators, it’s crucial that we give each user the ability to block things on their own, instead of demanding from the staff that we ban X, Y or Z for everyone.

I haven’t been able to see that feature in this flagship instance. Is that something that is possible or has been considered for future implementation?

Thank you!

  • English Mobster
    611 months ago

    It’s a little annoying - I’m a “normal” user and if I choose to see “all” then I see everything that my instance has federated with. Which is fine… but it’s annoying having to manually block communities when I don’t agree with their instance’s moderation policy.

    I’d much rather denylist an entire instance and never see them, even if my instance has federated with them.

      • English Mobster
        211 months ago

        Sadly, my German isn’t the best or else I would’ve looked more into that one. ;)

        I applied for an account over at Beehaw.org, but they’re slammed since they have been hit the hardest by Reddit users (as they are the closest culturally to Reddit).

        I’m also not 100% sure if I’ll switch or not… I’ve had this account since 2020, which makes it a relatively old account in Lemmy terms. Not that I’ve used it much, mind…

        • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
          311 months ago

          Accounts are free, you don’t need to speak German to use feddit, just give it a go. Most if not all communities that exist on lemmy are already followed from here anyways, so you won’t miss out on anything.

    • @Cougar@lemmy.mlOP
      211 months ago

      Yes, this is exactly the use case I was talking about. If only instance admins can block whole instances, then there’s a perverse incentive to pressure admins into outright banning instances that users disagree with but are not necessarily bad for everyone… especially divisive topics such as politics.

      It’s much better for an instance admin to let users know they can ban the instance themselves instead of having to fragment federation.