I believe that anti-imperialism is definitely important, but are there any cases where that crosses the line?

Say for example a fascist government. Now, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were imperialist powers so it made 100% sense to oppose them. But take the Taliban, an extremely reactionary government that opposed the USA. Or India, ruled by a far-right nationalist party that is a member of BRICS. Or pretty much any other fascistic and/or genocidal government that opposes imperialism while not being imperialist themselves.

Now, I’m not saying we should support the imperialists, but are there cases where we should also not support the ones fighting the imperialists?

    • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Russia and Iran are both extremely important to the global anti-imperialist struggle, and to combating imperialism in their respective regions. For this reason they have been very heavily demonized by the West. Yes it is true that both their regimes clearly have reactionary elements to them, but the degree to which they are reactionary has been greatly exaggerated. Despite what you may have heard Iran is actually fairly progressive for its region, most of the US aligned Gulf Arab states are far worse. Iran is also an essential pillar to resistance movements all across the “Middle East” from Palestine and Lebanon to Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Without Iran (and to a lesser extent Russia thanks to their intervention in Syria preventing the US from succeeding in replicating the Libya scenario there) the imperialists would have an easy time dominating the entire region. Both Russia and Iran are full of contradictions but that shouldn’t mean that we allow ourselves to be duped by the imperialist propaganda narratives into renouncing even critical support for them. This sort of “both sides are bad so we shouldn’t support either” attitude only serves the Empire. The liberal obsession with only ever supporting regimes that are “pure” and “free from sin” doesn’t bring us any closer to achieving our goals.

      As for India, currently it is about as close to a “neutral” player as you can get in conditions like today when the confrontation between the imperialist and anti-imperialist camp is sharpening and the neutral space is shrinking fast. It remains to be seen which way it will go, and in fact this same conflict is also reflected internally in very intense struggles like the recent massive farmers’ protests, the attempts by the reactionary BJP to divert attention from the economic struggle thorough stoking religious conflict with the Muslim minority, and some local governments of certain regions being almost diametrically opposed politically to the national government. Here again what should be supported is not the reactionary element but that which is progressive, e.g. India’s independence and resistance to Western pressures to join in on either their anti-Russia or their anti-China crusades.

      Of course as other commenters have pointed out all of these regimes are to a greater or lesser degree a direct result of past imperialist meddling, wherever they couldn’t suppress the resistance, they instead created conditions for the reactionary right to replace and suppress the left wing revolutionary forces. They did this in Afghanistan, Palestine, and in other places too.