Honestly, I would welcome anyone trying to help start the trend.

Like, seriously, I don’t know what story series or franchise to pick, but goddammit, how is “communist fanfiction” not a genre?

I mean, it’s much easier than writing or publishing a “real novel” (that’s also communist) so, like, why not?

It’s more achievable, at least.

  • CGLambdin
    31 year ago

    @Shrike502 @Makan

    Only recently learned that the West likely only fought the Nazis at all to stop the Soviets from emerging the big winners of WWII, and that that is likely also why we nuked Japan.

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      31 year ago

      Ayup. But that’s not what the media narrative is saying, now is it? And it’s so ingrained, alongside certain other elements of fiction, that it’s going to be pretty hard to frame it in a diamat fashion