I really didn’t think this was seriously going to happen. Even more disappointing is the president acting like he can just reform his way out of a government ran by corruption and the wealthy.

  • @EZLN_IS_KOOL@lemmygrad.mlOP
    81 year ago

    Reading on this led to reading about the Argentine Communist Party, the less popular one that is more explicitly Marxist-Leninist. I ended up reading into the Ukrainian Party somehow, and was intrigued by the Donetsk PR Communist Party. So you’re telling me that the “orange revolution” slowed down the progress of the Ukrainian Communist Party, and that the Donetsk movement was already banned in like 2007? I also read more into the Donetsk PR Communist Party only to find out that it’s pretty legit. And people really have the nerve to tell me that Ukraine only banned NazBols or that there has never been conflict between East and West?

    I know I’m going on a long tangent here, but the Ukrainian Communist Party apparently did show up to Cuba this year even while banned, and I just think it’s crazy that “leftists” will go to far to de-legitamize a seemingly legit Communist Party in another country and just assume they are Putin agents or Russian Nationalists or NazBols or far-right maniacs using Soviet aesthetic. These people seem genuine to me, unless someone here can tell me otherwise. I even saw Ukrainian antifa on Twitter, and it seemed like the legit one’s kept getting suppressed. I know for a fact that there are strong left-wing individuals, even in places like Ukraine and those born into countries like Israel (yes, pro-Palestine in that case). These people are getting killed and censored and I swear by it, but they do exist and there are trying to make a statement even if no one is listening or able to hear them.

    • Ghost of Faso
      61 year ago

      Yeah I mean where else would some princabled MLs come out of but Ukraine?

      Its not like the fucking place wasnt part of the USSR just 30 years ago lol

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      41 year ago

      These people are getting killed and censored and I swear by it, but they do exist and there are trying to make a statement even if no one is listening or able to hear them.

      Well there’s no one to support them it seems. Not domestically, and definitely not internationally