• @oblivion_comes@lemmy.ml
    12 years ago

    LOL really betting that people can’t see libertarian Jimmy Wales begging for money while manicuring every narrative the DoD spits out. Just because sometimes they are willing to accept that napalm’s ability to stick to flesh and burn underwater isn’t “irrelevant pov” we can take them at face value as a bastion of democracy. Are you on the Atlantic Council or do you simply have a sandblaster pointed at your brain?

    • @graphito@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      Wanna suggest an apolical better alternative or you’re one of those who says “there’s nothing we can do, only criticize”?

        • @graphito@lemmy.ml
          12 years ago

          You hurt my feelings! Argh, it hurts so much, I cannot take this any more, my life is over, why do you do this to me?!

          • @oblivion_comes@lemmy.ml
            12 years ago

            You are on an open source pinko imageboard defending Wikipedia for “democratizing” information. If you had ever lifted a finger to participate in the psychotic liberal forum it really is, you’d shut your mouth. But here you are humiliating yourself. Go try to democratize some information, it would teach you something. You can’t even try because you don’t know anything you aren’t spoonfed. It would be lulzy for you to learn how their truths are made.

            • @graphito@lemmy.ml
              12 years ago

              Sir, you totally engaged with my point, provided a solution and meanwhile have been very respectful to me. I wish to talk more with you, can we maybe meet up for a cup of coffee some time?