• @FaceDeer@lemmy.ml
    -311 months ago

    Calling American occupation the root of Haiti’s ills is IMO taking a short-sighted view of the problem. It really goes all the way back to colonial times before the US even existed, when Haiti got turned into a giant slave plantation by France.

    Which isn’t to say the US isn’t blameless in Haiti’s current troubles, or to say that modern France is responsible, I’m just not liking that “root problem” description.

    • Sure, but being that the US occupied Haiti from 1915 to 1934 as “the United States had been interested in controlling Haiti in the decades following its independence from France” means they took over after France granted Haiti independence. Yet, the U.S. also retained influence on Haiti’s external finances until 1947. Both of these aspects have impacted modem day Haiti much more than France’s occupation, without question.